Cineclear & Cineclear II

The CINECLEAR screens are a single element screen that uses standard video or film, and a single standard projector to create an apparent three-dimensional image. The depth generated by the screen is based on a diffraction theory and is not based on stereoscopic theory.

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    CINECLEAR screens are a single element screen that uses standard video or film, and a single standard projector to create an apparent three-dimensional image. The depth generated by the screen is based on a diffraction theory and is not based on stereoscopic theory.

The optical properties of the screen repackage the physical light carrying the image into wavelets with a specific microstructure that is seen by the eye as optical depth and resolution. Then the light is repackaged by the scattering properties of the screen, wherein each point in the screen resonantly scatters a different color. Around each scattering point a self-diffraction pattern is created with sphereity, giving the apparent depth to the viewer. The CINECLEAR and CINECLEAR II screens are both semi-transparent materials that have 82% and 72% light transparency respectively.

Because of its transparent nature, CINECLEAR screens can be projected front or rear with the same substrate. CINECLEAR is a specialized passive transparent screen on which isolated images are projected with video and appear to be apparent three dimensional images.  This creates the illusion of the physical presence of the projected subject matter.

The screen is made on flat or hot formed into a radii on an ACRYVIEW substrate, making it appropriate for installation in a wall or to suspend from a ceiling. The screen is an optical element, so it should be handled appropriately, but is hard coated to make it quite durable and abrasion resistant. The screens best perform in controlled or low ambient light applications but are utilized in the following markets:

  • Point of Sale applications
  • Video Signage
  • Storefronts
  • Corporate Lobbies
  • Airports and Commuter Stations
  • Display Exhibits
  • Great for 3-D HOLO presentations
The CINECLEAR  screens will produce an apparent three-dimensional image, whereby the person or object is collected on film or video from a single view, with a conventional camera

Eliminates the need for dual cameras as employed in stereo- scopic or time sequential techniques. Makes it possible to produce images without the limitations in size that inhibit holography.

Both film and video can be viewed as an apparent three-dimensional image by the naked eye

Eliminates the need for eyewear, which is normally required by alternating polarization or time-sequential stereographic techniques.

An image can be projected with a single conventional video or film projection unit

Eliminates the need for two projectors as is required by the alternating polarization stereoscopic techniques or the need for expensive time sequential light valve projection systems as required by time sequential stereoscopic techniques.

The coating is applied directly to the substrate and is not an applied film

Eliminates the possibility of shrinkage, delimitation, or glue discoloration.

Available Blank Sizes and Materials

ACRYVIEW – up to 104” x 216”

CINEFIRE – Up to 130” X 204”

NOTE: CINECLEAR coatings are NOT available in rolled material

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